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    Hello Kanstantsin-Sabaleuski,

    I apologise if you think this Kata is a bit underrated - in case you are not aware, the difficulty of a Kata is determined by the community and the moderator approving the Kata, not the author.

    By the fact that when I click "View Solution" it says that there is no solution to show, I'm assuming that you are currently stuck on this Kata and am unable to complete it? If that is true I'm more than happy to give you a hint - no Ruby (or Javascript, if you're attempting the JS version of this Kata) methods have been disabled in this Kata so if you research all the String methods available in Ruby/Javascript and choose the correct one to use, you should be able to complete this Kata in one line of code.

    By the way, look at this (comment/response) carefully - once you solve this Kata, you will be surprised how straightforward this Kata is yourself*.


    • Sorry if the starred paragraph (above) sounds offensive; this is in no way my intent - I am only trying to offer you a hint :)
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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    There are no user test cases because they would reveal too much about how to solve the kata.

    It's such a quick and easy kata that there isn't really any need for creating your own.

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    Are you sure this wasn't a general codewars issue? Do you keep getting the same unknow error on submission?