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    GavDawg, thank you for your comment! Didn't have time because of work, but I'll train this kata again using info you gave me, thanks! Firefly2002, I just pressed the "attempt" button and at the time didn't know about custom tests in Python :)

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    There are only three sample tests in both Python and JavaScript; my solutions pass all three in both languages. Have you added some of your own tests?

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    Does sample tests really work? In 6 of them i've got 6 wrong answers and then 200 correct from "random tests" section. Then i walked into solutions, copied one of those, tried to attempt and got the same result (again, took the code from solutions area where should be only correct solutions, am I wrong?). I've got 6 wrong answers with a bit different numbers in sample tests and then all correct in random tests. Am I doing something wrong?