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    I think it's okay to keep different types as inputs but the description is really off

    Given a list of integers

    in context of Haskell seems like a literal requirement for the arg to be [Integer] type

    There should be Haskell-specific description clarifying that input is a list of Integral derivative

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    wouldn't it be fine if simply defining the type in the default code? it's quite odd for the solver to specify the type when they don't .. know what it should be

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    Yeah, that's nowhere remotely close to what the kata is supposed to test, which is a problem in itself.

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    It's solvable using typeclasses

    But yeah it does put more of a challenge compared to other languages

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    Haskell solution's type expectations are weird. There's a mix of Ints and Integers in the input, and it makes it nearly impossible to properly handle the data.

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    Trimming whitespace on its own has been thoroughly covered, but this involves several other steps in order to trim each individual line. I looked and could not find another kata that covered it. I'd be happy to update the tests when I have a chance.

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    Suggest having a thorough look at this for tips on authoring a kata:


    • Use a novel/unique idea, avoid creating duplicate katas: trimming whitespace has been thoroughly covered on CW
    • Write good tests, and utilize both fixed and random test cases: kata needs random tests; 3 fixed tests is insufficient