love this one.
This one is great. Gotta remember you can use the XOR like that.
Adding that //i means ignore case to my anki posthaste.
This is my favorte solution. Good for time complexity, and elegant.
looove this solution, beautifully formated, easy to understand, and modify.
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yep exactly the same issue for me. i even checked with chat gpt to make sure i wasnt going crazy and missing something.
edit: i realize now that there is a solution to get that test case. im surprised that chat gpt didn't get it.
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love this one.
This one is great. Gotta remember you can use the XOR like that.
Adding that //i means ignore case to my anki posthaste.
love this one.
This is my favorte solution. Good for time complexity, and elegant.
looove this solution, beautifully formated, easy to understand, and modify.
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
yep exactly the same issue for me. i even checked with chat gpt to make sure i wasnt going crazy and missing something.
i realize now that there is a solution to get that test case. im surprised that chat gpt didn't get it.