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    I must be misinterpreting the rules, and I would like to know how. Here's one of the randomly-sampled test cases:

    [["Reinhard von Musel", "Lex Luthor", "Johan Liebert", "Brian J. Mason", "Abelt Dessler", "Daisuke Aramaki"],
    ["Lex Luthor", "Johan Liebert", "Reinhard von Musel", "Daisuke Aramaki", "Abelt Dessler", "Brian J. Mason"],
    ["Abelt Dessler", "Daisuke Aramaki", "Johan Liebert", "Brian J. Mason", "Reinhard von Musel", "Lex Luthor"],
    ["Brian J. Mason", "Lex Luthor", "Johan Liebert", "Reinhard von Musel", "Abelt Dessler", "Daisuke Aramaki"],
    ["Abelt Dessler", "Brian J. Mason", "Lex Luthor", "Reinhard von Musel", "Johan Liebert", "Daisuke Aramaki"]]

    The expected answer was given as Johan Liebert.

    The rules state that the votes are tallied from each ballot's first selection. Given that, I interpret the rules to dictate that Johan Liebert and Daisuke Aramaki are eliminated after the first round because they were tied at 0 votes apiece. Abelt Dessler is the eventual winner given my reading of the rules. Does anywone have a clarification on this?

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