
Given a number between 0-99999, the function number_to_english, return the same number pass to argument in letters.

Simple task, but the code is a little bit messy :D

  • convertion = {
        0:'zero', 1:'one', 2:'two', 3:'three', 4:'four', 5:'five',
        6:'six', 7:'seven', 8:'eight', 9:'nine', 10:'ten',
        11:'eleven', 12:'twelve', 13:'thirteen', 14:'fourteen', 15:'fifteen',
        16:'sixteen', 17:'seventeen', 18:'eighteen', 19:'nineteen',
        20:'twenty', 30:'thirty', 40:'forty', 50:'fifty',
        60:'sixty', 70:'seventy', 80:'eighty', 90:'ninety'
    def convert(num):
        if not 0 <= num <= 99999:
            return ''
        thousand, num = divmod(num, 1000)
        hundred, num = divmod(num, 100)
        ten, unit = divmod(num, 10)
        output = []
        if thousand:
            output += [convert(thousand), 'thousand']
        if hundred:
            output += [convertion[hundred], 'hundred']
        if ten == 1:
            output += [convertion[ten*10 + unit]]
            if ten:
                output += [convertion[ten*10]]
            if not output or unit:
                output += [convertion[unit]]
        return ' '.join(output)
    number_to_english = convert
    • def mil(n):
    • num={'0':'zero','1':'one','2':'two','3':'three','4':'four','5':'five','6':'six','7':'seven','8':'eight','9':'nine'}
    • dec={'10':'ten','11':'eleven','12':'twelve','13':'thirteen','14':'fourteen','15':'fifteen','16':'sixteen','17':'seventeen','18':'eighteen','19':'nineteen'}
    • dec_com={'20':'twenty','30':'thirty','40':'forty','50':'fifty','60':'sixty','70':'seventy','80':'eighty','90':'ninety'}
    • mil="thousand"
    • th=[]
    • n_t=[x for x in n]
    • for i in n_t:
    • if len(n_t)==2:
    • if i!='1' and n_t[1]=='0':
    • th.append(dec_com[i+'0'])
    • th.append(mil)
    • break
    • elif i=='1':
    • th.append(dec[i+n_t[1]])
    • th.append(mil)
    • break
    • else:
    • th.append(dec_com[i+'0'])
    • th.append(num[n_t[1]])
    • th.append(mil)
    • break
    • else:
    • th.append(num[i])
    • th.append(mil)
    • return th
    • def cen(n):
    • num={'0':'zero','1':'one','2':'two','3':'three','4':'four','5':'five','6':'six','7':'seven','8':'eight','9':'nine'}
    • dec={'10':'ten','11':'eleven','12':'twelve','13':'thirteen','14':'fourteen','15':'fifteen','16':'sixteen','17':'seventeen','18':'eighteen','19':'nineteen'}
    • dec_com={'20':'twenty','30':'thirty','40':'forty','50':'fifty','60':'sixty','70':'seventy','80':'eighty','90':'ninety'}
    • cen="hundred"
    • c=[]
    • n_d=[x for x in n]
    • for m in n_d:
    • if n_d[0]!='0':
    • c.append(num[m])
    • c.append(cen)
    • if n_d[1]=='0' and n_d[2]=='0':
    • break
    • elif n_d[1]=='0' and n_d[2]!='0':
    • c.append(num[n_d[2]])
    • break
    • elif n_d[1]!='1' and n_d[2]=='0':
    • c.append(dec_com[n_d[1]+'0'])
    • break
    • elif n_d[1]=='1':
    • c.append(dec[n_d[1]+n_d[2]])
    • break
    • else:
    • c.append(dec_com[n_d[1]+'0'])
    • c.append(num[n_d[2]])
    • break
    • else:
    • if n_d[1]=='0' and n_d[2]=='0':
    • break
    • elif n_d[1]=='0' and n_d[2]!='0':
    • c.append(num[n_d[2]])
    • break
    • elif n_d[1]!='1' and n_d[2]=='0':
    • c.append(dec_com[n_d[1]+'0'])
    • break
    • elif n_d[1]!='1' and n_d[2]!='0':
    • c.append(dec_com[n_d[1]+'0'])
    • c.append(num[n_d[2]])
    • break
    • elif n_d[1]=='1':
    • c.append(dec[n_d[1]+n_d[2]])
    • break
    • return c
    • def number_to_english(n):
    • num={0:'zero',1:'one',2:'two',3:'three',4:'four',5:'five',6:'six',7:'seven',8:'eight',9:'nine'}
    • dec={10:'ten',11:'eleven',12:'twelve',13:'thirteen',14:'fourteen',15:'fifteen',16:'sixteen',17:'seventeen',18:'eighteen',19:'nineteen'}
    • dec_com={20:'twenty',30:'thirty',40:'forty',50:'fifty',60:'sixty',70:'seventy',80:'eighty',90:'ninety'}
    • th=[]
    • c=[]
    • m='{0:,}'.format(n)
    • m=m.split(",")
    • try:
    • if n<0 or type(n)==float or n>99999:
    • pass
    • elif n<10:
    • c.append(num[n])
    • elif n<20:
    • c.append(dec[n])
    • elif n%10==0 and n<99:
    • c.append(dec_com[n])
    • elif n<99:
    • k=list(str(n))
    • c.append(dec_com[int(k[0]+'0')])
    • c.append(num[int(k[1])])
    • else:
    • c=cen(m[1])
    • th=mil(m[0])
    • except IndexError:
    • if n<0 or type(n)==float or n>99999:
    • pass
    • elif n<10:
    • c.append(num[n])
    • elif n<20:
    • c.append(dec[n])
    • elif n%10==0 and n<99:
    • c.append(dec_com[n])
    • elif n<99:
    • k=list(str(n))
    • c.append(dec_com[int(k[0]+'0')])
    • c.append(num[int(k[1])])
    • else:
    • c=cen(m[0])
    • t=[]
    • t.extend(th)
    • t.extend(c)
    • return " ".join(t)
    • convertion = {
    • 0:'zero', 1:'one', 2:'two', 3:'three', 4:'four', 5:'five',
    • 6:'six', 7:'seven', 8:'eight', 9:'nine', 10:'ten',
    • 11:'eleven', 12:'twelve', 13:'thirteen', 14:'fourteen', 15:'fifteen',
    • 16:'sixteen', 17:'seventeen', 18:'eighteen', 19:'nineteen',
    • 20:'twenty', 30:'thirty', 40:'forty', 50:'fifty',
    • 60:'sixty', 70:'seventy', 80:'eighty', 90:'ninety'
    • }
    • def convert(num):
    • if not 0 <= num <= 99999:
    • return ''
    • thousand, num = divmod(num, 1000)
    • hundred, num = divmod(num, 100)
    • ten, unit = divmod(num, 10)
    • output = []
    • if thousand:
    • output += [convert(thousand), 'thousand']
    • if hundred:
    • output += [convertion[hundred], 'hundred']
    • if ten == 1:
    • output += [convertion[ten*10 + unit]]
    • else:
    • if ten:
    • output += [convertion[ten*10]]
    • if not output or unit:
    • output += [convertion[unit]]
    • return ' '.join(output)
    • number_to_english = convert