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    The image in the description is dead.

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    The image in the description is dead.

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    The description is bad: There are only 3 lines describing the actual tasks and they aren't even indicative (create new concrete behavior classes to fully take advantage of the Strategy Pattern and the Duck Class below, okay, but how? What to do? And how it's tested?). Then it's pages of information that looks like it's dumped from a tutorial page somewhere, without emphasising the key points of the concept. If I want to read something like that I can directly read off the Wikipedia page or something, no need for you to reproduce the whole article.

    (Besides, what you did is just putting the top 3 google search result of "C# strategy pattern" in the links section. Do you think this is an subtitute for actually explaining how to do it by any stretch? It's lazy and responsible, to the least.)

    The emphasis and relative portions of the descriptions is unbalanced and it needs refactoring.

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