  • Default User Avatar

    I dont understand how should i assing weapons, or how to recognize, for example, Axe_of_fire to be a weapon, if some one can help me, i would be much appreciated.

  • Default User Avatar

    Perhaps consider allowing weapon names to be surrounded by double quotes as well. Had lots of fun practicing OOP, anyway!

  • Custom User Avatar

    This sentence in the description is needlessly confusing

    For the new enchantment it is considered the same as the weapon of the same name without '(enhanced)' suffix, that is, you can combine an improved one with an unimproved one if you come across a 3rd one that is the same

    It should instead clarify, via example, that e.g. "Axe of fire(enhanced)" is considered the same weapon as "Axe of fire". Also, it's inconsistent that this process is called "Enchantment" in the description, but the actual property is called "enhanced".

    On that note, it should explicitly stated that the first word in a name should be capitalized, and not rely on the reader deducing this from an example (which may or may not have been an oversight on the author's part).

  • Custom User Avatar

    Great kata. Thanks for the challenge.

    1. The log messages should be {name} finds '{name of weapon}'
    2. In the example section, a small typo : Axe of fire(enhanced) 92 dmg instead of Axe of fire(enchanted) 92 dmg
    3. Hard to debug because log messages appear all at once for the submit tests instead of individually.
      Feedback could be : With {array of commands}, your eventLog message is {} instead of {}
    4. The fact that some knowledge with metaprogramming is required could be more emphasized right from the beginning...
  • Custom User Avatar

    A nice variant of classic fighting simulator katas with meaningful yet challenging requirements.

    The only tricky and unintuitive part was figuring out that judges reward points from non-winning submissions. Perhaps you may wish to add this tidbit to the description, preferably with a test case that depends on having the correct logic.