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    Oh, and @delfuego, my intention is not to require the use of bitwise operators. However, I'm anxious to see the solutions people devise that don't use bitwise operators.

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    A kata search for "bitwise" turned up three results. Two were set to 6 kyu and one was set to 3 kyu. I've changed the level of mine to 6 kyu. Does that seem like a fair valuation?

    Also, can someone confirm for me whether this document is the right thing to reference when determining kata level?

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    Good feedback so far. I admit I was totally guessing at the level because I couldn't initially find a description of the levels. @arnedag, where is the description you reference in your comment? I have since found this documentation ( and based on its examples I would still probably argue that a kata like mine - which requires the use of bitwise operators which are a somewhat obscure and infrequently used language feature - would still qualify as probably a 3 kyu. That level cites "simple regex" as an example and, in my mind at least, bitwise operators are on par in complexity as simple regex. Would you agree or am I not thinking about this correctly?

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    This solution shown here is missing semicolons at the end of the statements within each function body. Even though JavaScript does provide automatic semicolon insertion, it's generally considered bad practice to leave semicolons out because it can lead to bugs that are difficult to spot.