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    Can't help without seeing your code.

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    Hi KsanfFillum!

    1. But there is a link... :)
    2. My personal opinion is that a Kata is a practice and not a complete program. I don't think that adding extra requirements to the practice would add anything.
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    How would a Texas Hold'em Poker kata be different than this one? In the end, the same rules apply to determine the winning hand. It would only make sense if you created a full poker game, betting and folding included.

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    Hi, thanks for spending your time on my kata! I think that I do not fully understand your suggestion... :)

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    Hi, my apologies for the late reply,

    As @7nik said you have to maximize first for 2 then 3, 4, 5....

    I had changed the description to show this after @nickie's comment below though it seems a subsequent approval of a translation reverted it back to the original.

    I've changed the description again, could you please check it and see if it's clearer now.

    side point: 242 = 576 : )

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    Previous issue about the this problem. At first you need find maximum power of 2 for given number then maximum power of 3 for rest of the number then maximum power of 4 for next rest of the number and so on.

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    Your code fails in these tests:

        Assert.AreEqual("Player 1 won!", kata.Rps("rock", "scissors"));
        Assert.AreEqual("Player 1 won!", kata.Rps("scissors", "paper"));

    Your logic is not right.