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    If you are having issues with this Kata, as I did, and don't know (yet) how to work with Regular Expressions, I would like to make you know that the examples in the Description might suggest a direction to solve this problem that it's not truly honest with you. The examples presented, don't alow you to think about a case where the string contains ONLY NUMBERS or a case where the left side is alphanumeric and the right side (wich is the most important, because the increment will be made through it), obviously, is entirely numeric.


    I'll give you an exemple.

    string = './7r.145Q;'M0_105284850&668248?9600000000'

    The alphanumeric side (or left side) of this string is './7r.145Q;'M0_105284850&668248?' and the numeric (or right) side is '9600000000'.

    After doing the increment, the expected result is './7r.145Q;'M0_105284850&668248?9600000001', but ALL THE CASES TO CONSIDER showned in the Description are representations of a SINGLE CASE where the alphanumeric side is exclusively ALPHABETHIC (A-Z) and it is concatenated (or not) with the numeric side.

    I think you will agree with me that the Description of this Kata is not very clear about some cases, wich is a problem.


    So, if you are still trying to solve this Kata without using Regular Expressions (it is possible, I did), think about what I said, think about these hidden cases.


    I hope this suggestion helps you and the others that are having issues with this Kata and I also hope to see this hidden cases issue solved, with more other possible cases presented in the Description.

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