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    1. Markdown formatting is broken
    2. Plot attached should be simple, as of now it has lot of noise.
    3. Fixed test with a = 0 and c = 0, along with its combination with other values should be added, because at the time of writing most of the solution will fail on a = 0.
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    They are now.

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    None of these are necessarily issues on their own, but I think they should be addressed before approval (this can be closed if someone disagrees):

    • Input/Output should be list of tuples
    • Needs more sample/fixed tests
    • Needs a batch of small random tests before the main tests (This might not be necessary if the sample/fixed tests are comprehensive enough)
    • A graphic in the description would be wonderful
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    There really should be more sample tests, or at least a batch of random tests with smaller inputs. I am currently failing about 9 random tests but debugging is effectively impossible.

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    Nice one.

    • the last fixed tests should really be added to the sample tests (I had a first implementation that passed the sample tests but failed every single random tests)
    • the description would benefit from some modifications. Use of KaTex to have proper indices notations, for instance. A graphical example, as suggested by Kacarott below would be really nice too.
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    I get it, although I do think the notation used (a(n) etc) is confusing.

    Essentially we are adding absolute functions. The result of this addition can be described as a series of linear functions, limited to a certain range (which is the information we are to return).

    For a visual example see here (wolfram alpha) how the result of the addition can be seen as three seperate line segments.

    I do think that a graphical explanation in the description might help a lot for this kata.

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    I don't get what the task is... :/ Is that me or...?

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    • Input and output should be list of tuples.