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    I met the same problem in another question...

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    in python2.7 (int / int is int) if you want a float try (float(int) / int)
    in python3 (int / int is float)
    hope this can help you

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    I passed it after figure out the meaning of the title.Thank you very much!

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    Sorry, I am not very good at English.I will try again.Thank you!

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    testing(longest_consec(["it","wkppv","ixoyx", "3452", "zzzzzzzzzzzz"], 3), "ixoyx3452zzzzzzzzzzzz")
    len('wkppv') == len('ixoyx')
    testing(longest_consec(["itvayloxrp","wkppqsztdkmvcuwvereiupccauycnjutlv","vweqilsfytihvrzlaodfixoyxvyuyvgpck"], 2), "wkppqsztdkmvcuwvereiupccauycnjutlvvweqilsfytihvrzlaodfixoyxvyuyvgpck")
    len(test[1]) == len(test[2])
    Are they contradictory?