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    The answer is simple: it does not.

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    Needs random tests

    Also, a duplicate.

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    Not an issue

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    Translated to Java.

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    Minor quibble with the phrase "the first number it returns should be the smallest number," as this isn't always what the test cases want. For example, if your test case produces two negative roots r1 < r2, the test expects r2 to precede r1 in the array. You may just need some more precise language here.

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    This kata need to address when delta is == 0 (one real solution) and should have random test cases.

    I translated it into both Ruby and JS, if you want to approve them; notice I didn't round the solution as I think the whole process is pretty straightforward, so there should not be rounding errors doing things in different order, but in case I can still fix it.

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    This was very confusing for me too. The array it gives you is minemap = [[True, True, True], [False, False, True], [True, True, True]]. Each new minemap item is going across and each new minemap[x] item is going down, if that makes sence. So it would look like this

    Just ignore how the minemap looks in the test arrays. Hopefully this helped.