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    think of it from the index perspective. if the indexes are 1,2,3 thats a contiugous sequence. if the indexes are 4,5,6 thats a contiguous sequence. if the indexes are 0,6,4 or 2,3,6 that would not be. The indexes have to be in order for it to be a contiguous sequence. This challenge is tricky because of the negative numbers. you could have a longer sequence equal less because it could have a higher negative number. Hope this helps, as I was stuck on what it meant myself.

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    A contiguous sequence is as follows.

    A, B, C, D, E , F

    ABC is a contiguous sequence. ABD is not.
    CDEF is a contiguous sequence, ACDEF is not.
    DEF is a contiguous sequence, FED is not.