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    woah, okay. tried out what Chrono79 Suggested. got error and now I am confused. Any hints why could that be happening?
    Test Failed
    Expected string length 217 but was 230. Strings differ at index 147.
    Expected: "...9000000000000 + 70000000000 + 8000000000 + 50000000 + 3000..."
    But was: "...9000000000000 + 70000000000 + -4000000000 + -600000000 + 5..."

    Also Tried this:
    Assert.That(Kata.ExpandedForm(60000000000000009), Is.EqualTo("60000000000000000 + 9"));

    Test Failed
    Expected string length 21 but was 65. Strings differ at index 20.
    Expected: "...0000000000000 + 9"
    But was: "...0000000000000 + 40000000 + -4000000 + -20000 + 200 + -40 + -5"

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    please be more specific with your problem. you should print only to test it out. If you want to pass this kata you have to return a value like in most katas