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    I had this problem as well — it happens if you initialise all registers. If you don't, it works. Don't know why Assert::That produces this funny output.

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    Pay a lot of attention to constant/register situations. Make sure you cover them all.

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    there can be some faults in your algorithm, I have solved it by checking the description and rewriting the codes about JNZ. I just misunderstood the meaning of jnz. Hope helpful.

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    Same thing, I have 8s runtime, but none complex tests passed. It seems this issue will never be fixed as one can find this kind of reports in a lot of katas in relation to C++ solutions.
    In this case it seems even the type in Equals that is created by the test itself fails.

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    In C++, I've been getting weird timeout issues, and after further optimization I got this instead:

    Expected: equal to [unsupported type]
    Actual: [unsupported type]
    Expected: equal to [unsupported type]
    Actual: [unsupported type]
    Expected: equal to [unsupported type]
    Actual: [unsupported type]

    This doesn't tell me anything, and I haven't detected an error in my algorithm.

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    I just solved this Kata in Java without any issues so I assume it's fixed?

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    why make the small reference though? did you just forget to use it? ahahah

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    Same issue as matthewmoppett...
    The java testing is very buggy.
    Time: 0ms Passed: 0 Failed: 7
    Test Results:

    ✘ expected: java.util.HashMap<{13=1}> but was: java.util.HashMap<{13=1}>


    ✘ expected: java.util.HashMap<{2=3, 3=1}> but was: java.util.HashMap<{2=3, 3=1}>


    ✘ expected: java.util.HashMap<{7=3}> but was: java.util.HashMap<{7=3}>


    ✘ expected:<{7=1, 31=1, 151=1}> but was:<{7=1, 151=1, 31=1}>


    ✘ expected: java.util.HashMap<{101=1, 3541=1, 27961=1}> but was: java.util.HashMap<{101=1, 3541=1, 27961=1}>


    ✘ expected:<{104729=1, 104723=1}> but was:<{104723=1, 104729=1}>


    ✘ expected:<{268435399=1, 268435367=1}> but was:<{268435367=1, 268435399=1}>