This is why I love Ruby more than Python!
I knew Ruby could do it in less than 40 characters! Damn!
Wow, it's fascinating how my 10 to 15 lines of code turns into only just 1 line of code, happened before :)
Good Job.
Me too... Spoilers.... :)
That's an awsome method, I will be using it too, Thanks
Awesome, learned a new method.
Nice work!
New Kata idea: Where has beechnut's sense of humour gone? See if you can find it.
Loading collection data...
This is why I love Ruby more than Python!
I knew Ruby could do it in less than 40 characters! Damn!
Wow, it's fascinating how my 10 to 15 lines of code turns into only just 1 line of code, happened before :)
Good Job.
Me too... Spoilers.... :)
That's an awsome method, I will be using it too,
Awesome, learned a new method.
Nice work!
New Kata idea: Where has beechnut's sense of humour gone? See if you can find it.