Nice decision to extract geese from a function to not recreate it each function's call
No. return is sufficient. :)
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
Easy ways are not for me xD
This is how it would be implemented in every PHP codebase I've seen, haha :)
Yea, I really wish there were varargs in Dart...
and this possible cuz a coersion
Apparently, tests are too weak in this kata, haha :)
Same here. And I have been writing JS for more than half a decade now.. Thanks! :)
yea and I did the same.
Because tomorrow someone might change the day length in future days !
Please explain
Thanks man!
Haha, I loved the creative use of in operator. And bit shift added that magical touch to it. (Although not correct) :D
Actually, this solution will fail fors = "aaAAA". To make it works well, use ++s.length >> 1 instead of s.length >> 1 😃
s = "aaAAA"
++s.length >> 1
s.length >> 1
This one is crazy! :)
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Nice decision to extract geese from a function to not recreate it each function's call
is sufficient. :)This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
Easy ways are not for me xD
This is how it would be implemented in every PHP codebase I've seen, haha :)
Yea, I really wish there were varargs in Dart...
and this possible cuz a coersion
Apparently, tests are too weak in this kata, haha :)
Same here. And I have been writing JS for more than half a decade now..
Thanks! :)
yea and I did the same.
Because tomorrow someone might change the day length in future days !
Please explain
Thanks man!
Haha, I loved the creative use of
operator. And bit shift added that magical touch to it. (Although not correct) :DActually, this solution will fail for
s = "aaAAA"
. To make it works well, use++s.length >> 1
instead ofs.length >> 1
😃This one is crazy! :)
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