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    You are taking a suboptimal path around the circle with centre at (2.83323324984,-1.17841666332). The path above and to the right of this circle is shorter.

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    Failed to pass this test:

    ******* 59 *********
    .a = {-2.51671803324,1.30616030283},
    .b = {3.87271832814,-1.91084126197},
    .c = {

    Expected: equal to 8.26474 (+/- 1e-08)
    Actual: 8.70883.

    Have no clue what is wrong. Probably some magic related to doubles and precision, but I can't get where. - here is a not perfect visualization of path (not perfect because traversing through arcs look like lines, but they are not).

    Please give some hints :) Or maybe just show right path and I'll make changes accordingly.

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    The Wikipedia article on OCR-A is fairly detailed. If you want the TrueType font file, it can be downloaded for free from

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    Still, I couldn't find a specification of this font online, so it was trial and error on my side to find specific patterns for digits.

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    Finally solved with most stupid method I believe :)

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    ok, maybe I got it... will try later change the check, thank you

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    It is meaningful because it's the "upper left corner of the ending of the spiral (when you're in the x area. I'm afaraid I cannot do better as an explanation, sorry...)

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    NOTE: Extra spaces before or after the code have no meaning and should be ignored.

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    " ...---... -.-.-- - .... . --.- ..- .. -.-. -.- -... .-. --- .-- -. ..-. --- -..- .--- ..- -- .--. ... --- ...- . .-. - .... . .-.. .- --.. -.-- -.. --- --. .-.-.- "

    2 spaces should be at the beginning of result, right?
    So why the expected result is "SOS! THE" instead of " SOS! THE".

    If I ignore first spaces - another test fails. The one where expected result is " E E ".

    I'm using C.

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    Seems you are right. I will add the condition into my solution (in future, maybe :)
    Then C++ tests should be fixed.

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    C++ tests are not correct. Your solution does not follow the problem specification: All operations with the same precedence should be evaluated from left to right. Here is a simple example: 74 * 71 / 33. This expression must be computed as (74 * 71) / 33. The expected result is 159.21212121212122. But your solution returns 159.2121212121212.

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