12.0 1234.0
Yes, surprised it passed all the tests. I was checking '123 ' also. Does not pass. Otherwise, it looks really good. But then, if it doesn't pass...
This shouldn't pass as others have said. If you do validatePIN("123 ") it breaks it.
You should add something like ...&& pin.charAt(0)!=="-"... in order to exclude negative values like -333 or three or five zeros preceded by a '-' (-00000)
Goodbye, invalid solution ;-)
Yeah this one shouldn't have worked.
validatePIN('-12345'); // should return false, but returns true
How does this get around negative conditions?
You need one more check. Like the last, but much more simple.
Well, you found a hole in the test suite at least
saved me from ripping out all my hair :D
Not an issue
It won't work with input like -111!
it won't work on inputs like 0x88
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Yes, surprised it passed all the tests. I was checking '123 ' also. Does not pass. Otherwise, it looks really good. But then, if it doesn't pass...
This shouldn't pass as others have said. If you do validatePIN("123 ") it breaks it.
You should add something like ...&& pin.charAt(0)!=="-"... in order to exclude negative values like -333 or three or five zeros preceded by a '-' (-00000)
Goodbye, invalid solution ;-)
Yeah this one shouldn't have worked.
validatePIN('-12345'); // should return false, but returns true
How does this get around negative conditions?
You need one more check. Like the last, but much more simple.
Well, you found a hole in the test suite at least
saved me from ripping out all my hair :D
Not an issue
It won't work with input like -111!
it won't work on inputs like 0x88
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