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    best solution by far. very easy to read and simple to understand

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    (Java) Clicking "Attempt" results in errors:

    src/test/java/ error: cannot find symbol
                TOKENIZER    = Pattern.compile(String.join("|", Arrays.asList(WHITE_COMMENTS, ID_PATT_BRA, ".")), Pattern.DOTALL),
      symbol:   variable DOTALL
      location: class Pattern
    src/test/java/ error: incompatible types: String cannot be converted to Env
                VALID_TOKEN  = Pattern.compile(ID_PATT_BRA),
    src/test/java/ error: cannot find symbol
                IS_CMT_WHITE = Pattern.compile(WHITE_COMMENTS, Pattern.DOTALL);
      symbol:   variable DOTALL
      location: class Pattern
    src/test/java/ error: cannot find symbol
                Matcher m = TOKENIZER.matcher(source);
      symbol:   method matcher(String)
      location: variable TOKENIZER of type Pattern
    src/test/java/ error: cannot find symbol
                    if (IS_CMT_WHITE.matcher(tok).matches())  continue;
      symbol:   method matcher(String)
      location: variable IS_CMT_WHITE of type Pattern
    src/test/java/ error: cannot find symbol
                    if (VALID_TOKEN.matcher(tok).matches()) tokens.add(tok);
      symbol:   method matcher(String)
      location: variable VALID_TOKEN of type Pattern
    Note: src/main/java/ uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
    Note: Some messages have been simplified; recompile with -Xdiags:verbose to get full output
    6 errors
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    (Java) When I click "Attempt" I get a bunch of errors:

    src/test/java/ error: cannot find symbol
        final static private Pattern P_TOKENS  = Pattern.compile("p(\\d+)(.*?)q"),
      symbol:   method compile(String)
      location: class Pattern
    src/test/java/ error: cannot find symbol
                                     TOKENIZER = Pattern.compile("(R+|F+|L+|[P)(]|p.+?q)(\\d*)");
      symbol:   method compile(String)
      location: class Pattern
    src/test/java/ error: cannot find symbol
            Matcher m = P_TOKENS.matcher(code);
      symbol:   method matcher(String)
      location: variable P_TOKENS of type Pattern
    src/test/java/ error: cannot find symbol
            Matcher m = TOKENIZER.matcher(code);
      symbol:   method matcher(String)
      location: variable TOKENIZER of type Pattern
    4 errors

    I do not use Pattern and Matcher in my solution.