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    I have other case that I dont know what Im doing worng:
    Mi input: qdjtzqtdbwsetsjmjsq
    When I apply priest power: qdjtsptbbwsetzjmjzq
    Mi result: rigth side, but Its wrong.


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    But in this case, if I dont delete neutral letters, the result would be the same: zjmsqsatwcsttmwtbm -> rigth wins :(

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    Why? they dont have any effect on war, they only die.
    As far as I know, the priests only converts anemy letters.

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    I have a doubt with this battle: 'zjmsqsatmcsttmwtbm'. Im gettin that rigt side wins, but random tests said that its wrong.

    Mi first step is eliminate neutral letters and the battle results is 'zjmsqstmsttmwtbm'
    After that I apply the looo loo power and the battle results is 'zjmsqstwsttmwtbm'
    And finally the result is Rigth side wins

    Anyone could say me what Im doing worng?


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    Of course!! Very obious XD
    Thanks a lot!!

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    Nope. I posted my results above. Could you tell me wich step is the first that is wrong and why??

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    Anyone could explain me why "GFEDCBA" with "------------...-----..----" is not "FGABEDC"?
    The test case says that the rigth result is BAGFEDC, but for me it hasn't any sense.



            GFEDCB     A              


            GFEDC      AB             


            GFED       ABC            


            GFE        ABCD           


            GF         ABCDE          


            G          ABCDE   F      


           ABCDE   FG     


            BCDE   FGA    


             CDE   FGAB   


              DE   FGAB  C


               E   FGAB DC


