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    ...each noun containing 2/3 vowels should be replaced with ...each noun containing 2-3 vowels. This is a range, not a fraction.

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    Suggestions for additional tests:

    • Words with uppercase vowels with umlauts.
    • Words with the German double-s (ß).
    • Random words to prevent simple cheating.
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    The test cases are missing a word without vowels.

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    Not too bad of a kata, though I feel like the description could use some work.

    I know the odd german word, but only through food and the odd film and so on, but definitely not any grammar. Just puts you on the back foot when you're told "everyboy" knows a little german, but remembering the "articles" (I barely know what those are in English ;P) is a little tricky.

    You say we should "return the noun with the matching article", but as it's a different language, this "das" could feasibly come before the noun, or maybe without a space between, and so on.

    "For reasons of simplification, some articles might not be accurate." You probably could just write tests that would be accurate, right?

    I would include a few annotated examples, such as:

    //          ^  ^  ^     // 3 vowels, so "die" is the correct article
                            === "die Suppenhuhn"