I am quite confused by the issue here, can you explain exactly what the problem is? Because it seems you have a wrong implementation and your function fails the test, it does not look like an issue with the test cases.
Otherwise, I am marking this as resolved, as it seems your implementation fails this test.
Thank you for the contribution.
I am quite confused by the issue here, can you explain exactly what the problem is? Because it seems you have a wrong implementation and your function fails the test, it does not look like an issue with the test cases.
Otherwise, I am marking this as resolved, as it seems your implementation fails this test.
Which Kata?
Done and Done, Thank you for that.
I don't see how the description of Prime factors is an issue honestly.
Thanks for the edit and JS translation approved.
Seen them. Thank you!
Python translation kumited!
Hmm,:?, I actually had overlooked the puzzle tag. I have updated and added it.
Seen and approved! Thank you!
Noted. Crystal translation approved.
Nope, just the same error message and the same type of exception is thrown for each data type that is not an integer.
Noted and updated. Thank you
Haha, alrighty then, that explains it. Hmm, that is a pretty neat hack.
I like it.
Hey, question. what is
?I can't seem to find reference to it in documentation.
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