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    Hi, I got a bit busy with work and life hence the dealy, but I ran my code a couple more times until I found only 6 mismatching results.

    I then continued to write a small console application to test against these values.

    I also manually checked these 6 values.

    And this is what I get:

    input: 92727

    output: 92727

    system result: True


    9^5 + 2^5 + 7^5 + 2^5 + 7^5
    59049 + 32 + 16807 + 32 + 16807

    = 92727

    This is True

    input: 187435105

    output: 178759414

    system result: False


    1^9 + 8^9 + 7^9 + 4^9 + 3^9 + 5^9 + 1^9 + 0^9 + 5^9
    1 + 134 217 728 + 40 353 607 + 262 144 + 19 683 + + 1 953 125 + 1 + 0 + 1 953 125

    = 178 759 414

    This is False

    input: 24678050

    output: 24678050

    system result: True


    2^8 + 4^8 + 6^8 + 7^8 + 8^8 + 0^8 + 5^8 + 0^8
    256 + 65 536 + 1 679 616 + 5 764 801 + 16 777 216 + 0 + 390 625 + 0

    = 24 678 050

    This is True

    input: 980376545

    output: 576257597

    system result: False


    9^9 + 8^9 + 0^9 + 3^9 + 7^9 + 6^9 + 5^9 + 4^9 + 5^9
    387 420 489 + 134 217 728 + 0 + 19 683 + 40 353 614 + 10 077 696 + 1 953 125 + 262 144 + 1 953 125

    = 576 257 604

    This is False

    input: 1741725

    output: 1741725

    system result: True


    1^7 + 7^7 + 4^7 + 1^7 + 7^7 + 2^7 + 5^7
    1 + 823 543 + 16 384 + 1 + 823 543 + 128 + 78 125

    = 1 741 725

    This is True

    input: 24678051

    output: 24678051

    system result: True


    2^8 + 4^8 + 6^8 + 7^8 + 8^8 + 0^8 + 5^8 + 1^8
    256 + 65 536 + 1 679 616 + 5 764 801 + 16 777 216 + 0 + 390 625 + 1

    = 24 678 051

    This is True

    I'm pretty sure I'm not reading the logs wrong :)

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    Thank you for looking into this Johan.
    Noted: yes its C#, will keep that in mind for future reference.
    I will continue to look into this and provide feedback

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    My code passes all the tests except for these:

    Test Failed
    Expected: True
    But was: False

    I decided to log the input, output(my sum answer) and ture or false.
    Please point out why these should be true:

    input 1778653589
    output 645006974

    input 199898839
    output 1952354824

    input 671108264
    output 194989385

    input 793241850
    output 564227289

    Thank you

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    Hi I'm getting this issue:

    "tests/Fixture.cs(117,15): warning CS0219: The variable 'passed' is assigned but its value is never used"

    Is this a problem with 'tests/Fixture.cs'?