It's not ambiguous but merely logical. To take the example from the second example from the description: he eats pills A and B, his friend eats B and C. If both eventually glow, the glowing pill is B. If only his friend glows the pill is C. If he glows and his friend does not, the pill is A. If none of both glows, it is pill D.
Hi! I am still new to this so be gentle xD
@Blind4Basics I was just looking over your solution and was wondering about it. Is that O(n)? because in worst senerio does 'if something in dict' not have O(n) complexity? In that case that solution too would be O(n^2) would it not?
It is no doubt faster than the most upvoted, but i think the complexity is the same even though yours is more like : O((n^2 + n)/2) which just translate to O(n^2).
I might be wrong and i would love it if you could explain where my knowlegde is flawed, because it 95 % of the time is xD.
done by B4B ~~
Thank you for your nice comment. I appreciate it!
It's not ambiguous but merely logical. To take the example from the second example from the description: he eats pills A and B, his friend eats B and C. If both eventually glow, the glowing pill is B. If only his friend glows the pill is C. If he glows and his friend does not, the pill is A. If none of both glows, it is pill D.
Hi! I am still new to this so be gentle xD
@Blind4Basics I was just looking over your solution and was wondering about it. Is that O(n)? because in worst senerio does 'if something in dict' not have O(n) complexity? In that case that solution too would be O(n^2) would it not?
It is no doubt faster than the most upvoted, but i think the complexity is the same even though yours is more like : O((n^2 + n)/2) which just translate to O(n^2).
I might be wrong and i would love it if you could explain where my knowlegde is flawed, because it 95 % of the time is xD.
It's a fininte set, you can't have an infinite number of solutions.
Thanks for your feedback :)
Concur but I am so thankful to the author. It's one of those gems that, if you put in the work, you'll learn something.
Nice solution👍
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depends if you're talking about the number of assertions or the number of tests.
1205; an efficient solution passes them in 3 seconds, though.
Did you get it solved without writing special cases for it?
I'm stuck on this katakana but I don't really want to write a special case for it.
no, a solution for c# could be 2-3 times slower than the same solution for javascript and run out of time
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