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    What SipofTea said! It is case sensitive.

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    In JavaScript.

    This is a great challenge. It is basically an elaborate version of a common tool. Hit me like a truck when I realised! :D

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    Hi! Using JavaScript.

    Could someone point me in the right direction of what to research? I tried for loop within a for loop, but ended up with an if statement within an if statment after that, and there must be a simpler way.

    Tried to look it up but I don't want to copy and paste an answer, so if someone can give me the first 'breadcrumb' so I can follow the trail, I would really appreciate it!

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    Interesting Kata. Had to think how to "uniform" the inputs.

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    JavaScript, apologies. Still getting used to everything!

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    I know this is easy for most people, but I have never used .replace before. I looked it up, and I thought it is as easy as it looks, but telling it to look globally just turned every character into dashes... any nod in the right direction would be really appreciated!

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    Really enjoyed this one. My syntax let me down for so long, but once it clicked it was so satisfying. Breaking it down to steps of what I needed to do, in order, was key for me, hopefully that helps others.

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