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    Thank for the info, I didn't know that.

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    const isLeapYear = y => y % 16 ==0
    this is also my solution but it fails lets say for the year 4 or 8 !!!
    Yes it need to have test cases for this years too!

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    If a pair of input like this (1,3), should print
    a lot of the solutions won't print it, including mine, instead, will print
    hence the solution it might not be taking care of all the possible cases
    Have I misunderstood the problem and what I am trying to point out here is futile or it should be in the random tests, inputs like


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    from the description:

    so [1, 4, 5, 3] is not sorted in Wave because 1 < 4```
    from the test (updated with waveSort instead of isWaveSorted)

    let arr = [1, 2, 34, 4, 5, 5, 5, 65, 6, 65, 5454, 4];
    Test.assertEquals(waveSort(arr), true);

    arr[1] < arr[2] !!!
    How can this be Wave sorted and return true??? 
    The arr is like this "< < > < = = < > < < >" !!!  --   there are at least 2 consecutive similar signs and is not starting with ```>```!!!
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    Very educative Kata , I have rarely used Number Object and its methods (min.max etc)
    Regarding this Kata i realized that in circa 10%-15% with my solution i don't get full correct answers and this testing case is showing as unpassed

    Expected: '\'Input number is 0\'', instead got: '\'Input number is Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY\''```
    I know that it has >500 but i think it worth mention it.
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    Despite the fact that in almost 75% of the cases my solution didn't pass I managed to got it completed :))
    I think you should include in the must pass tests a case when the string are totally different like this
    s1="JKfehAidjqZM" s2="iBPcXTszvkXnk"

    Thanks for this Kata, keep up with the good job

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      Despite the fact that testing for primes is a common thing in almost all languages,
      doing it in a less resource consuming way(as the instructions are) I think,
      recommend the 7Kyu rating it is too low if we look to other 7 and 6 kyu Katas.  


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    Which method in your opinion is faster/better:
    1)to push into an array
    2)to add step by step elements to a string

    My tests on execution time in chrome showed that the second method seems a bit faster