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    You know that walls are an area not a volume. So when room is not a perfect cube you need to know dimensions of the walls.

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    Thank you. That was a headscratcher for me. I am really thankful for your help.

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    Thank you for your answer! Turns out the tests are wrong. In the directions for that exercise we have: (...) The array is either entirely comprised of odd integers or entirely comprised of even integers except for a single integer N.(...)
    but in the textFixed log I get that input is: 2,6,8,10,32,6,8,200,700,1,84,10,417,6,8,10,6,12,24,36 in which there are two odd integers. Moreover I get a message saying: expected:<17> but was:<6> and there isn't a 17 in that input! The rest of the input is even so how come the answer is 6? I would be glad for helping me further with this issue. Or maybe changing the exercise if it is ineed with some errors.

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    So you are saying that 20th century took 99 years while 21 century will last for almost a 1000 years?