It's nice to know that double for loops are popular in this kata!
i don't understand what the problem is asking me to do
Exact duplicate of this problem: from leetcode.
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Returning -1 when there are no houses to be robbed is ridiculous. Just expect 0.
Expected and actual are reversed for random tests.
I agree. Way too easy for 4kyu. At least in JS.
debería ser 6kyu
hahahah that is cool
Actual and expected are flipped in javascript random tests.
hahaha... not bad
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It's nice to know that double for loops are popular in this kata!
i don't understand what the problem is asking me to do
Exact duplicate of this problem: from leetcode.
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when there are no houses to be robbed is ridiculous. Just expect0
.Expected and actual are reversed for random tests.
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I agree. Way too easy for 4kyu. At least in JS.
debería ser 6kyu
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hahahah that is cool
Actual and expected are flipped in javascript random tests.
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This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
hahaha... not bad
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