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    thanks for all the detail you provided so we have enough information to give you an answer :D

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    oh wow @uniapi reading this you just get worse xD

    nobody owes you any apologies, you're the one being rude to people, not people being rude to you

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    oh yeah, and you also decided to start a public drama by calling out someone lmao

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    @uniapi lol listen.

    I know this was like 6 months ago and I have nothing to do with this but I feel like I should explain.

    Maybe this is a cultural thing, maybe this is the language barrier, but indeed you come off as quite arrogant and rude on your responses below, furthermore you got super offended by something that wasn't even about you.

    To avoid these things in the future try not to attack people unprovoked and even IF you are provoked, but specially don't do it if you THINK they are provoking you.

    Calm down, breathe and remember that the more you complain about other people or what you think they're doing the more unlikeable you become

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    lol wtf.

    But I guess I understand, this one is so mind numbingly hard that a video guide is a must

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    they just don't get translated? lol

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    I think someone is proud of their solution :P

    But yes I agree

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    also as was said your code is quite a large mess.

    I suggest you start thinking how your code actually works "on paper".

    instead of relying on you running the code and then checking for errors, go through it step by step and think "Ok by this point my variable will be X, then here this will happen to it, etc etc".

    If you don't even try to do that you won't ever really learn.

    Coding isn't about typing stuff randomly until it works (well most of the time anyway lmao), but you need to understand what you're doing and what you're gonna do BEFORE you start typing.

    On this case? You got to think "ok I have to replace A with T, T with A, C with G and G with C..." and then think about how you can do that.

    Also you're supposed to return a string, not "print" the solution.

    if your correct string is called "str" then it must end with "return str;"

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    "for (int i2 = 0; i2 < atcg.length; i2++)"

    Wow, it's the first time I see an "i2" in a for loop hahaha.

    Conventionally you would use "j" instead to make it less confusing.

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    There ya go buddy, good job :3

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    looks great but why did you add "ToUpper();" instead of outright making them uppercase already? hahahha

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    yes, we can tell you precisely everything that's wrong with your code without you pasting your code lol.

    Read the error you get, and see if you can fix it, if not at least provide more details so we can help.

    There's always paste bin if you need it

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    Now THIS is what I call brute-forcing it

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