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    I get it now, [26945, 0, 3] will give 69245, wich is > 26945.
    Thank you very much :D!

  • Custom User Avatar

    The solution I dont understand is not this one [29917, 0, 1].
    It it this one [26945, 3, 0], if you want i as small as possible it should be [26945, 0, 3].

  • Custom User Avatar

    Sorry I'll go for the question next time, but I still dont get it.
    Both cases are 2 (index 0) inserted at the index of 0 (index 1 and 3).
    What am I missing?

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    Can someone explain me why both of these case doesnt work the same way?
    testing(209917, "[29917, 0, 1]");
    testing(269045, "[26945, 3, 0]");
    The way I understand it:
    1): You find the smallest number (0)
    2): You find the index of the digit i as small as possible (0 and 0)
    3): You find the index of j, both the zeros (1 and 3)
    In both cases you need to swap a Zero with the First element, why are the results [0,1] and [3,0] not in the same order?
    Thanks :)

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    My code seems to work but when I attempt, the submit button doesnt appear.
    The resutl I get.
    Time: 1616ms Passed: 1 Failed: 0 Exit Code: 139
    Test Results: