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    timing out, but i gues it is a part of the task.

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    You had right though.
    After leaving my regression analysis buble, i went out on a new course, and managed it.
    Used ALOT less time on a 4kyu kata than this one though..

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    so it is supposed to be doable just returning the number using only 1 line with a formula in the function?
    i've used geogebra and done regression analysis using all types of regression.
    even wolfram can't solve it, nor point to a direction.
    I am afraid that i started in the wrong direction and got stuck.

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    So, Ive been trying exponential regression on this problem.

    Making all sorts of formulas. Some work on the lower problems, some work on the medium problems.
    It seems there is not possible to make one single mathematical formula to solve this.
    If this is the case, it would be great to have a pinpoint if a loop is necessary to solve it.
    The only hints are Eulers, and powers. which tells me that a loop or any kind of special operation other than math, figure numbers, regression, is not necessary.

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    This is not an arimethic task.