  • Default User Avatar

    I agree to Dentzil. This is no issue.

    The author or Maksim should close it!

  • Custom User Avatar

    Hi Maksim,

    Why did you mark it as issue?

    Are you sure, that 'long' will be enough for the following test input: for example a = 1, b = 900?

  • Custom User Avatar

    why not to use just long? Don't see any need in BigInteger

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    I think this Issue is already fixed, I request author or MaksimSimkim to mark this as resolved otherwise this kata will not be able to come out of beta.

    Apart from that I must say this is a nice beginner kata ^_^ I'll try to translate it into Javascript.

  • Custom User Avatar

    The Kata is absoluetely not ready:

    1. You write, that first letter should be capitalized, but you don't write about other letters, they should be on lower case, independet of source.
    2. The signature of the method in template is wrong: it is int should be string[]
    3. No testcases templates. It's not ok, they are in the description, just fill template with [TestFixture]
      public class CapitaliseTest
      public void Test1()
      Assert.AreEqual(new[] { "Jo", "Nelson", "Jurie" }, Kata20.CapMe(new[] { "jo", "nelson", "jurie" }));

    so for me this kata should go back to beta.

  • Default User Avatar

    That's a great idea, thanks! I've added in a couple of new tests for both 0's and negative numbers.

  • Custom User Avatar

    You could also include negative numbers in your test cases, because you even mention that there could be any number.

    The string passed into your function will only contain numbers in string format and can contain any number of comma seperated integers.
  • Custom User Avatar

    it's good now, thank you!

  • Default User Avatar

    I see exactly what you're saying; that's an awful oversight on my part.

    Thanks a lot for explaining. I've updated the default, would you mind checking?

    Thanks again.

  • Custom User Avatar

    I think he means the same issue I was having below that you marked as resolved, but it is not.
    The default "Your solution" you start with is like this:

    public static int AddStrings(string numbers)
    // Hack the planet!

    You can not compile it (Run Tests / Submit), as it is not part of a class, you have to manually add it like this:
    public static class StringCalculator
    public static int AddStrings(string numbers)
    // Hack the planet!
    return 0; //just return something so that it will compile

  • Default User Avatar

    Could you explain further please? Thanks

  • Custom User Avatar

    No predefined Class Kata, just the method, so is the code not compilebar

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