Flo, your char class will capture numbers. This is incorrect because numbers are valid chars for variable names. the exercise only specified "-" and "_".
RegExp are particularly difficult, so please pay attention when you use them
I like how you spend the rows in each column counting backward from the last open position in each column. Wthout this trick it would be complex to manage the string to place a move. Voted best soultuion.
Thank you, i will try
2 standart ways:
copy = arr[:]
and use it fortop3(copy)
.This only applies to reference types - usually arrays.
Do you have a solution for this, because i cant reproduce the problem. Im quite new to programming.
Ty in advance.
Do you even know the difference between these?
Its not profit, its sales :),
just added a line on how to handle it.
Thank you for your input
In basic tests cases, add a case for more htan three equal sales values
It's not bad at all: list and dic comprehension with random tests...
Flo, your char class will capture numbers. This is incorrect because numbers are valid chars for variable names. the exercise only specified "-" and "_".
RegExp are particularly difficult, so please pay attention when you use them
Thanks rOg!
I am learning and I am trying to keep the code clean
Loving the descriptive variable names, makes your code much easier to read than many of the other, seemingly hand minified, solutions on here!
I like how you spend the rows in each column counting backward from the last open position in each column. Wthout this trick it would be complex to manage the string to place a move. Voted best soultuion.
not sure of the code...