Given this array of string arrays, generate a comment with the first element of the inner arrays (randomizing will not be testable)
Input: [['hi,', 'hello,', 'hey,'], ['how are'], ['you', 'ya'], ['doing', 'going'], ['?','?!', '']]
Output: 'hi, how are you doing?'
var generateComment = function (array){
// TODO: Replace examples and use TDD development by writing your own tests
// These are some CW specific test methods available:
// Test.expect(boolean, [optional] message)
// Test.assertEquals(actual, expected, [optional] message)
// Test.assertSimilar(actual, expected, [optional] message)
// Test.assertNotEquals(actual, expected, [optional] message)
// NodeJS assert is also automatically required for you.
// assert(true)
// assert.strictEqual({a: 1}, {a: 1})
// assert.deepEqual({a: [{b: 1}]}, {a: [{b: 1}]})
// You can also use Chai ( by requiring it yourself
// var expect = require("chai").expect;
// var assert = require("chai").assert;
// require("chai").should();
describe("Solution", function(){
it("Test for the given arrays", function(){
Test.assertEquals([['hi,', 'hello,', 'hey,'], ['how are'], ['you', 'ya'], ['doing', 'going'], ['?','?!', '']], 'hi, how are you doing?');