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    I don't know if I failed to notice the final note in the problem description or if it was added later, but I have now able to fix the problem in my code. Thank you! This was a very useful kata for me.

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    The kata here uses the non-padding version (without = at the end). (Reference: and the examples above that heading)

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    I too got an error on one of the random tests:

    Testing for 'mg4ttVSojCi7yeO7' to 'bWc0dHRWU29qQ2k3eWVPNw'
    'bWc0dHRWU29qQ2k3eWVPNw==' should equal 'bWc0dHRWU29qQ2k3eWVPNw'

    But my code seems to be consistent with the padding requirements in the Wikipedia article. Here's some of my debug output:

    mg4 ==> bWc0
    ttV ==> dHRW
    Soj ==> U29q
    Ci7 ==> Q2k3
    yeO ==> eWVP
    7 ==> Nw==

    I'm disappointed not to be able to complete this kata since I learned quite a bit from doing it. If I'm right that this is a spurious error, please fix it. Thanks!

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