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    I'm passing by value here. So the data is copied into a new string and returned. This may be a best practice if you don't want to modify the original string. I would normally take a value like this by reference or use RVO but this looked like a fairly clean implementation. For its use case, passing by value is probably enough here.

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    Both string and algorithm are included in the test cases already. So we have access to them via the code that runs our code.

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    Can never overuse templates. 😉😂

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    I seem to be having issues with random tests for c++.

    Expected: equal to xgay iZay !
    Actual: xgay iZay!

    ^ As you can see the expected output has more whitespaces between the words than it should.

    Edit: It seems this comment section actually clears up the extra whitespaces so the example doesn't look incorrect. But I can assure you extra whitespace is what showed up in the output.