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    Your solution is easy to read and contains functions that I did not know about previously. I learned some Javascript from it.

    I should go through it one more time to pick up a couple more new things I didn't know before.

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    Your assumptions are incorrect.
    For .recv to be called, you need to follow the spec. Re-read third paragraph.

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    frequesncies?? replace went wrong?

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    I like your use of .some !

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    You must explicitly say about any rounding needed to complete tests ot kata itself.
    I (and I guess not only me) am outraged that I am forced to play game "guess where there is rounding, and which one it is". And that it takes literally 20 times more time than finding an actual solution.

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    Not correct Python tests.

    As per description "If array contains not numbers it returns string 'array should contain only numbers'. So make sure all elements of the array are numbers" => thus only numbers are allowed in a list/array.

    But the first test case is:

    Test.assert_equals(map([1,2,3,'8'],func),[ False, True, False, True])

    Since '8' is not a number we should get a 'array should contain only numbers' string.

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    I'm getting the same issue.

    Testing for [5, 1]
    It should work for random inputs too - Expected: "array should contain only numbers", instead got: [false, false]

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    I had to look at kata discussion to find out what may be wrong.
    And I found out that there actually was a discussion about empty array handling, but it was not finished.
    In my opinion empty array looks like a pretty valid input, so the output should also be an empty array.
    Right now I cant think of any reason why there should be 'array should contain only numbers'-output for an empty array. I mean empty array does not really contain anything that can be called 'not a number' since it does not contain, well, anything :)