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    Your solution changes the order of characters and white space which it is not supposed to do. Not a kata issue.

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    Hi JohanWiltink, I've updated the description, thanks for that.

    If more people desire that the parsing of the String part should go, I'll turn that into an Int.

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    I would say "the sun can only be shining" instead of "the sun can only shine", but English is not my native language and I may very well be wrong.

    In specifications, "there may be no clouds" is ambiguous. Unambiguous would be "there must be no clouds".

    Use appropriate datatypes. Temperature should be an Int, not a String. If this kata is to be about "parsing" ( quite a grandiose term for what is actually needed ), focus on that. Do one thing, and do it well.

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    If it's about basic parsing, then I'd want to see it be all about that.

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    Hi natan, thank you for the feedback.

    The goal of this (very introductory) puzzle is to figure out, based on the text, what the requirements are and of course to find the solution.

    I've reworded some parts of the description, to make it read more like a little story.

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    Might be an exercise in a very basic parsing :)

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    Some thoughts:

    It might be a problem for later when all the requirements are fully ironed out, but, I would like for the description to NOT read like a list of amendments.

    The note about absolute zero doesn't seem like it needs to be there. Unless it's part of a story somehow, but again, I'd want that to read as one piece of cohesive text.

    The note about clouds doesn't necessarily state a requirement, I'm not sure how a native English speaker would read it but for the rest of us this is a very unusual wording that we don't know how to deal with.

    Having input be string might not be a great idea. Does it add value to the kata? It may be seen as an unrelated extra task added on top.
    This also leads to a second problem. What is the kata about? If one removes this possibly unrelated task, then a very large portion of the solution is also removed, there's not much left.

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    Hi there, I've updated the tests and added some sampele tests.

    Can you review once more and perhaps give me some tips?

    Looking to improve, so be patient with me please :-)

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    I've updated the description, and added constraints to the number "x", stating that we are dealing with any positive or negative Int.

    Tests are added to ensure these constraints are checked.

    The author solution now also works for these added tests.

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    Good point, I'll make sure to adjust this as well.

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    I'll look into it!

    This is my first time writing a kata, so thanks for the feedback.

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    temperature (String): "x deg C", where x is any number.

    "Any number" in Haskell can be Rational, Real or Floating, not just Integer. It can also be negative. If these things aren't tested then the further limitation on x should be explicitly specified.

    Also, the author solution assumes that x is always a 2 digit integer, which is a faulty assumption. It'll fail on doesSunShine "100 deg C" False.

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    There are no sample tests or random tests.

    Please review the kata authoring guideline for what any kata needs to have at bare minimum.

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    Made me laugh, so thanks for that.

    The 8 kyu difficulty is also accurate in my opinion.