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    There is no Typo anymore.

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    @Liquidmasl Can you kindly help me figure it out. What does it really mean. i've the same problem of 9 days.

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    I think this is the first test that uses a unicode marker - might want to check your solution handles unicode?

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    ..just look on the solutions, everybody had to manually divide by 100, becuase thats the way its done

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    percentages are VERY VERY often given as 0.1 or 0.55 beacuse 25% of a given total is [total * 0.25)
    It is a lot more practicle to use x/1,
    But ofcourse, % is always over 100, its just another anotation.

    and Thanks! i didnt get that the content empties a percentage of whats left. i thought with (10, 10, 10) it would be 9 days, because you know, maths!

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    did you resolve your problem? Im kinda having the same one too

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    Don't sort the items array that was passed into your function as an argument. The expected value changes if you change the order of the items, so you can't change it or your solution will fail. You can make a copy and sort that instead.

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    Are you sure its not your solution? We have well over a 100+ Python solutions for this kata already.

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    The validating tests are not meant to be executed that way.
    The fact that tests can't be executed that way could be intentional :). Maybe you should try clicking another button.
    There's a lot of katas in codewars that work that way.
    See Secret knock for a similarly disturbing kata.

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    Etymology-man to the rescue!
    "percent" comes from the italian "per cento" and literally means "for a hundred", so percentages never are in terms of x/1, and always in x/100. While I agree that the former values are neater to work with, I just felt like pointing this out.

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    Replaced gaz with gas, sorry for that! Too late to change something about doubles...

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    Done, thanks!

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    Which new API where you using? There was an issue where completed challenges were being shown instead of the user profile, which can be accessed at codewars.com/api/v1/users/:username/code-challenges/completed.

    What were you thinking for a clans API?