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    I have the same. I used an earlier version as advised below.
    Mono 4.2.3
    Throws a new error.

    Exception System.NullReferenceException: The object reference is not set to an instance of the object

    I would like to send the code in one line, but...

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    tests/Fixture.cs(14,42): warning CS0078: The 'l' suffix is easily confused with the digit '1' -- use 'L' for clarity
    tests/Fixture.cs(14,57): warning CS0078: The 'l' suffix is easily confused with the digit '1' -- use 'L' for clarity
    tests/Fixture.cs(15,42): warning CS0078: The 'l' suffix is easily confused with the digit '1' -- use 'L' for clarity
    tests/Fixture.cs(15,58): warning CS0078: The 'l' suffix is easily confused with the digit '1' -- use 'L' for clarity
    tests/Fixture.cs(16,44): warning CS0078: The 'l' suffix is easily confused with the digit '1' -- use 'L' for clarity
    tests/Fixture.cs(16,65): warning CS0078: The 'l' suffix is easily confused with the digit '1' -- use 'L' for clarity

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    Is 4+1=5
    and 4-1=3
    Your array dont contain 3 or 5
    It's false