I have to agree with dafuloth, the description is very difficult to understand and even after forfeiting to see the solution I don't understand the math behind.
The JavaScript Kata does not have randomized tests so you can just pass the 4 answers following the input
Thanks got that ! Still stuck on the last test tho...
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
I am getting the following errors with my code but as they are truncated I cannot find my errors :
emptyStringEqualTo000000(HTMLComplementaryColorTest) Unknown Test Failure
firstCharIsHashLengthEqualTo73(HTMLComplementaryColorTest) Unknown Test Failure
incorrectStringType(HTMLComplementaryColorTest) Unexpected exception, expected but was
Loading collection data...
I have to agree with dafuloth, the description is very difficult to understand and even after forfeiting to see the solution I don't understand the math behind.
The JavaScript Kata does not have randomized tests so you can just pass the 4 answers following the input
Thanks got that ! Still stuck on the last test tho...
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
I am getting the following errors with my code but as they are truncated I cannot find my errors :
Unknown Test Failure
Unknown Test Failure
Unexpected exception, expected but was