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    As others have mentioned, the VIEW part of this kata is not tested, beyond mere inclusion of the keywords. But in my opinion, the VIEW part is not nearly as important as the challenge of organizing the query itself. This kata uses a combination and expansion of several techniques found in the 6 kyu katas. I think it's a good test of whether your fundamentals are solid.

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    This one was tough for me to figure out, but in the end it's quite simple. To anyone struggling with this, be sure to check out the Postgres documentation for "Window Functions"

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    This is some really next-level stuff. Next to no documentation online about how to use this function, and after looking at the answers, it doesn't seem particularly intuitive. Does anyone have any resources for learning how this works?

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    I gave up on this one because I just could not figure out how to get the results to be ordered "good, ok, bad" within the crosstable. I was able to build the base table for the crosstab function and it queried successfully on its own with a CASE-based ordering, but as soon as I put it inside the single-quotes within the crosstab function, it gave me errors at the CASE condition saying "no column named 'good'". Even after seeing the solutions, I just don't understand it. Other people's solutions just change the result table to be in alphabetical order, but that seems like cheating. The description asks for the output to be in "good, ok, bad" order, but that just doesn't seem to be possible within a crosstable. Perhaps the problem's expectations should be tweaked somewhat.

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    Your batting_average column is being output as type 'float', but the puzzle description says it must be a string. The contents of your column (vs the expected column) might look the same, but their functionality is different.

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    Your batting_average column is being output as type 'float', but the puzzle description says it must be a string. The contents of your column (vs the expected column) might look the same, but their functionality is different.

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    The ROUND function does work.. Make sure you have two parameters, and they are the right type: first the number to round (must be numeric type), then the number of decimal places (must be integer).

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    Same problem happened to me. Took 3 tries to pass the test using ROUND(numeric, int)::float

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    Mine failed twice, then succeeded on the third try. The error said I had 14 decimal placed in my column, when the output was clearly showing 2.

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    This one was difficult for me to understand at first. If you're struggling with this, look up Postgres' value expressions, particularly the FILTER keyword.

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    Just doesn't make sense to me at all. Not enough information about what the function does.

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    Terrible description. My query results were exactly what they needed to be, but I was failing because the "day" column was varchar type and not date type. Nowhere in the description does it give this stipulation. I had to give up my honor points and look at the solutions just to understand why I was failing.

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    Getting 55 out of 60 tests right, but there are always a few tests that just come out flat wrong, and there doesn't seem to be anything noticeably different about those cases.

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    No matter what language I pick, the versions list comes up empty, and when submitting a solution, I get an Error: Missing language

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