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    Thanks. I figured that one eventually since 170+ had already done it in C. Looking at the other solutions I went with a little overkill though but to be honest it was just good to get it done.

    Oddly I didn't get notified of your response here though.

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    I see in your profile that you passed this one using C, is that correct since I am still getting:

    The expression arrayEquals( arr, sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]), expected, sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]), sizeof(char*), strcmp) is false.

    So don't see how it's possible, is the issue still open?

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    Sorry about that. It's a known bug that cannot be fixed easily. I've deleted your other copy.

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    For some reason when I submitted it wouldn't allow me to view the other solutions so I submitted again and it fixed the problem but now I have two solutions.

    I'm new here to not sure who or how to contact someone to rectify this issue?