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    Also, the idea behind reminding the user to return an array where length === input.length + 1 was another way of aligning the zero-indexed arrays with the nature of the kata. Basically, the test was trying to make sure the user didn't forget to include the first null/nil of the array.

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    Sorry. Are we referring to the second describe block in the Sample Test Cases? Just want to make sure it's somewhere!

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    Your solution should return an array with a length of input.length + 1

    This is missing from the Ruby translation and the expected length was not clear.

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    Much appreciated!

    I hear you. The test cases in the example test case might've helped, too! There were ten sample test cases in that section, as well as a describe block explaining: "Your solution should return an array with a length of input.length + 1"!

    I'll keep that in mind for next time, though :)