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    exact words out of my mouth lol

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    it helps to get off the computer and grab pen/paper and just work out the sudo code on paper first when things don't seem clear

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    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "", line 38, in
    test.assert_equals(autocomplete('nothinghere', dictionaryNoGuess) , masterNoGuess('nothinghere', dictionaryNoGuess));
    File "/workspace/default/", line 21, in autocomplete
    if x == lower_y[i]:
    IndexError: string index out of range

    it seems like failed test case introduces a new variable 'dictionaryNoGuess'; empty dictionary variable
    so my code fails.. I tried to check for it with len(dictionary) < 1 & sys.exit() but no luck

    any advice?

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    it's a clean solution but regex solutions feel closer to best practice.

    what do you think?