there is tiny bit of issue on the c# version.
in one of the last tests where the answer should be -12042.760875
my implementation shows that there it is -12042.760875002
i think it is just because the test program used to validate has limited precision on the 6th decimal
it is a long piece of code but it can expand and scale very nicely case romans cared to count things over 9999, as it only keeps a list of their numerals.
unlike the top rated solutions where they just keep every possible outcome in arrays beforehand.
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how the heck do they need more 2 letters to depict 120 elements, well i guess thats happens when you let non CS guys name things.
lul, cant figure it out ?
are complex powers alowed ?
like 5^(52-51)
this is c#, get rekt btw
there is tiny bit of issue on the c# version.
in one of the last tests where the answer should be -12042.760875
my implementation shows that there it is -12042.760875002
i think it is just because the test program used to validate has limited precision on the 6th decimal
the above expression is validated by 1 and 0 but the test requires you put a 2
it doesnt look like it, but its very efficient compared to what i see as top answers if not the most efficient solution of them all.
it hardcodes the max number of possible coins tho, so thats a minus
it is a long piece of code but it can expand and scale very nicely case romans cared to count things over 9999, as it only keeps a list of their numerals.
unlike the top rated solutions where they just keep every possible outcome in arrays beforehand.
turns out numbers where limited to 0-9 , but i made it to work on any kind of number, so hey, its longer than the rest but its adaptable.
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