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    My Rust solution should work, but adding the appropriately placed newline characters gives this result. This only pops up when the answer is correct - if I add a newline character at the start of the string, the test fails and no error occurs.

    memory allocation of 9223372036854775806 bytes failed

    Caused by:
    process didn't exit successfully: /workspace/target/debug/deps/challenge-07bd72047d917620 --show-output -Z unstable-options --format json (signal: 6, SIGABRT: process abort signal)

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    Calling "generate_latin_square" will generate a solution, and calling "cull_latin_square" will generate a problem. Passing the solution into "get_tower_clues" will give you the hints that surround the problem.

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    Incidentally, I have updated the code to go up to 15x15.

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    Sorry for the late reply. I currently have no plans to publish a python version, but if you have a python version that works, I'd be happy to work with you on the translation. I can provide you with some test cases if you would like.

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    I have updated the encoding to reduce the nesting by another layer and included much harder problems. Up to 15 x 15 now!

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    Count of permutations? How do you mean? This is designed to use skyscaper problems with only one solution.

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    Hey Crastinus. Thank you for the feedback.

    You reminded me I had meant to update this task for a while, so I have rewritten the test cases to extend up to 15x15 and to improve the difficulty. Could you have another go and tell me if its a meaningful improvement?

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    That is good information, I can definitely use that to refine the load time.

    As for the difficulty, I know that the previous test cases were comparatively easy, so I tried to turn the difficulty up so that it was closer to the challenge level of the 6 by 6 and 7 by 7 katas. I am still fine tuning the difficulty, and have ideas for how to make the challenges more moderate or more difficult, as well to standardise the average level of challenge. It all depends on the feedback I get.

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    Hi Sandro, I have changed the problem set. Its more diverse but also potentially more difficult, however it should have removed the particular problems that were causing you difficulty. If you have another go, please let me know how you find it.

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    Hey guys, I have updated the test data to up the challenge and reduce the load time. Can you guys have another try and see how it feels?

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    Hi Sandro, I can confirm that these test cases have a single valid solution using my algorithm.

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    Hi Sandro. The 11 by 11's are fairly computationaly expensive. I am intending to optimise the backend of this puzzle to give the frontend more time to run, if you read down through this post you will see that there are some problems uploading C++ vectors that I need to work out.

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    My generation algorithm was designed to only output a problem with a single valid solution. I will test those specific examples locally and get back to you.

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    I had to make my own Latin Square generator and then cull numbers and check whether the square was still solvable. I will look into putting my Latin square generator onto a public github.

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    Thank you hobovsky! I will try to make this more interesting. My initial intent was to put a Latin square generator up, but the generation method I used ended up taking a pretty long time to produce reduced grids with a single answer (8x8 and bigger). I may have to look into optimizing it. Either way, I will find a weekend soon and see if I can't increase the challenge of this.

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